How to Do Long Exposure on iPhone

How to Do Long Exposure on iPhone – Long exposure photography is a technique that allows you to capture stunning images with motion blur and light trails.

While traditionally achieved with professional cameras, you can also achieve remarkable long exposure effects using your iPhone.

Long exposure photography is a technique that involves using a slower shutter speed to capture the movement of subjects over an extended period.

It allows you to create dramatic effects by blurring motion and capturing light trails. With advancements in smartphone camera technology, you can now achieve impressive long exposure shots using your iPhone.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of capturing captivating long exposure photos on your iPhone. From understanding the concept to utilizing the right apps, we have got you covered.

Understanding Long Exposure Photography

Long exposure photography allows you to capture the passage of time in a single image. By using a slow shutter speed, you can record movement and create unique visual effects.

Whether you want to capture the flow of traffic at night, the motion of waves crashing on a beach, or the mesmerizing trails of stars in the night sky, long exposure photography can help you achieve these creative visions.

Preparing Your iPhone for Long Exposure

Before diving into long exposure photography, make sure your iPhone is ready for the task. Ensure that you have sufficient storage space for high-resolution images and that your battery is adequately charged.

It’s also a good idea to clean your iPhone’s camera lens to avoid any unwanted smudges or dust particles that could affect image quality.

Choosing the Right Subject

The subject you choose for your long exposure photos plays a crucial role in the overall impact of the image. Some popular subjects for long exposure photography include flowing water, traffic trails, cityscapes, and night skies.

Experiment with different subjects and find what captures your imagination. Be patient and take your time to compose the perfect shot.

Using Live Photos

If you’re new to long exposure photography, a great way to start is by using the Live Photos feature on your iPhone. Live Photos captures a few seconds of video before and after you press the shutter button, essentially creating a mini clip.

This feature allows you to experiment with long exposure effects without worrying about the perfect timing. You can convert Live Photos into long exposures during the editing process.

Third-Party Apps for Long Exposure

While the native camera app on your iPhone offers some control over exposure settings, using third-party apps dedicated to long exposure photography can provide even more flexibility.

Apps like Slow Shutter Cam, ProCam, and Camera+ 2 allow you to adjust shutter speed, ISO, and other settings to capture the perfect long exposure shot. Explore different apps and find the one that suits your needs.

Manual Mode and Adjusting Shutter Speed

For advanced users, manually adjusting the shutter speed can provide greater control over the long exposure effect. Some third-party camera apps offer manual mode, allowing you to set the desired shutter speed and ISO.

Experiment with different shutter speeds to achieve different effects. Remember that longer exposures require stable support to avoid camera shake.

Stabilizing Your iPhone

Long exposure photography requires stability to prevent camera shake and ensure sharp images. To stabilize your iPhone, you can use a tripod or any stable surface to keep it steady during the long exposure.

Additionally, there are various iPhone accessories available, such as mini tripods and smartphone holders, specifically designed to stabilize your device.

Capturing Long Exposure Photos

Once you have set up your iPhone and chosen the right subject, it’s time to capture your long exposure photos. If you’re using a third-party app, follow the instructions provided by the app to adjust the exposure settings.

For Live Photos, hold your iPhone steady and allow the motion to occur within the frame. Experiment with different exposures and review the results to achieve your desired effect.

Editing Your Long Exposure Images

After capturing your long exposure photos, you can further enhance them through editing. The Photos app on your iPhone offers basic editing tools like exposure, brightness, and contrast adjustments.

You can also explore dedicated photo editing apps like Snapseed and Adobe Lightroom to fine-tune your images, add filters, and make selective adjustments. Experiment with different editing techniques to bring out the best in your long exposure photos.

Sharing and Showcasing Your Work

Once you have perfected your long exposure photos, it’s time to share and showcase your work. Social media platforms like Instagram and Flickr provide an excellent platform to display your images to a wider audience.

Consider creating a dedicated portfolio website or participating in photography contests to gain exposure and connect with fellow photographers. Share your techniques and engage with the photography community to further develop your skills.

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Tips for Better Long Exposure Photography

  1. Experiment with different subjects and settings to discover your unique style.
  2. Pay attention to composition and framing to create visually appealing images.
  3. Consider using additional accessories like neutral density filters for more control over exposure.
  4. Take advantage of natural light conditions and try shooting during golden hour or at night.
  5. Don’t be afraid to try unconventional techniques and embrace the unexpected.


With the advancements in smartphone technology, capturing long exposure photos is no longer limited to professional cameras.

By following the techniques and tips outlined in this article, you can unlock your iPhone’s potential and create stunning long exposure images. Embrace experimentation, practice patience, and let your creativity soar as you explore the world of long exposure photography.

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