How to Permanently Delete an Amazon Account

Disappointed with the services and products offered by Amazon? Learn How to Permanently Delete an Amazon Account your account to delete your data.

Amazon ‘s catalog of products and services is quite extensive. Prime subscribers, for example, have access to several interesting benefits, such as Amazon Music, the American giant ‘s streaming service. 

But if you no longer want to be part of the company’s customer base, you can delete your account in just a few minutes. Below, I will show you how to do this.

How to Permanently Delete an Amazon Account

It is important to note that once the account is deleted, you will no longer be able to access it in any way. That is, in addition to losing your order history and invoices, features, products and services linked to your email address will be deleted from Amazon sites worldwide.

In other words, everything will be erased. It is worth mentioning that this process is irreversible, so be sure before making any decision. To re-order or subscribe to any of the company’s services, for example, you will have to create a new profile.

That said, follow the instructions below to learn how to delete an Amazon account:

  1. Enter the delete page:Open the browser and access — you must log in with the account you want to delete;
  2. Delete the account:The page will show all products and services that will be lost. Scroll down, select a reason (optional), check the box and then click on “Close my account”;
  3. Finish deleting:A confirmation will be sent to the email address associated with the account or via SMS. If it arrives by email, open the message and click on “Confirm account closure” to finish — the link is valid for five days.

What products and services will be lost?

When you delete an Amazon account, you lose access to all Amazon products and services, including your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account and its resources; affiliate program account; Prime Video account and even your gift card balance. To check the complete list, access the page dedicated to the subject.

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