How to uninstall Microsoft Edge from Windows 10

The Microsoft Edge is the default browser of Windows 10. Although it offer good features, you may no longer want to keep it installed on your PC, either because they did not get used or because already use another browser . Below, I will show you how to uninstall Microsoft Edge from Windows 10.

There are two ways to uninstall Microsoft Edge: through the settings or using the Command Prompt. The latter exists because Microsoft implemented the Chromium version of the browser automatically through updates to replace the default version.

Because of this decision, the option to uninstall it more quickly is blocked. But through command lines, it is possible to remove the browser from your PC without any problem.

  1. Open the system search area:Click on the search bar next to the Windows button in the lower left corner;
  2. Start Command Prompt:Type “Command Prompt”, right-click on the result and then select “Run as administrator” — you can also click that same option in the tab on the right;
  3. Go to the installer folder:Type “cd %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft\Edge\Application\9*\Installer” (without quotes) and press the “Enter” key;
  4. Run the remove command:Type “setup –uninstall –force-uninstall –system-level” (without quotes) and press “Enter” to finish.

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How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge from Settings

If you want to remove a manually installed version or one of the builds available on the Beta, Dev or Canary channels, the process can be done in the system settings menu.

  1. Click on the Windows icon in the lower left corner;
  2. Click on the gear icon to open the settings;
  3. Click on the option “Applications” and then on “Applications and resources”;
  4. Scroll down the page and click on the Microsoft Edge icon — you can also use the search bar to speed up the process;
  5. Click on “Uninstall” and then again on “Uninstall”.

Okay, now you know how to uninstall Microsoft Edge from Windows 10 if you didn’t like the experience or prefer another browser.

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