
How to Disable Absolute Bluetooth Volume

Android disable absolute bluetooth volume – Bluetooth technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, allowing us to wirelessly connect our devices and enjoy audio on the go.

However, one common issue that Android users often encounter is the lack of control over Bluetooth volume levels. This is where the concept of Absolute Bluetooth Volume comes into play.

Absolute Bluetooth Volume refers to a feature on Android devices that synchronizes the media volume of your phone with the volume level of your connected Bluetooth device.

Essentially, when Absolute Bluetooth Volume is enabled, adjusting the volume on your Android device will also adjust the volume on your Bluetooth device, and vice versa.

This feature aims to provide a seamless and unified audio experience, where you no longer need to adjust the volume separately on your phone and Bluetooth device.

While this can be convenient in some cases, it can also lead to limitations and frustrations for users who prefer to have independent control over the volume levels.

Fortunately, Android offers the option to disable Absolute Bluetooth Volume, giving users the freedom to adjust the volume levels independently. By disabling this feature, you regain control over the volume settings on your Android device and can fine-tune the audio experience according to your preferences.

In the following sections, we will explore the steps to disable Absolute Bluetooth Volume on Android, discuss alternative methods to control Bluetooth volume, troubleshoot volume issues, and provide best practices for managing Bluetooth audio.

By the end of this guide, you will have the knowledge and tools to take control of your Bluetooth volume on Android and enhance your audio experience.

What is Absolute Bluetooth Volume and How Does it Work?

Absolute Bluetooth Volume is a feature introduced by Google for Android devices that allows for better control of the volume when using Bluetooth audio devices.

Before this feature was implemented, adjusting the volume on an Android device and on a connected Bluetooth device were independent of each other.

As a result, the volume levels could be inconsistent and required adjusting both the device’s volume and the Bluetooth device’s volume separately.

With Absolute Bluetooth Volume, Android devices have the ability to control the volume of connected Bluetooth devices synchronously.

When this feature is enabled, adjusting the volume on your Android device will simultaneously adjust the volume on the connected Bluetooth device. This ensures that the volume levels remain consistent across both devices.

To achieve this synchronization, the Android device communicates with the connected Bluetooth device using the Bluetooth AVRCP (Audio/Video Remote Control Profile) protocol.

This protocol allows for the exchange of control commands and information between the Android device and the Bluetooth device.

Through this communication, volume commands are sent from the Android device to the Bluetooth device, allowing for unified volume control.

Absolute Bluetooth Volume provides convenience and simplifies the process of adjusting volume levels when using Bluetooth audio devices with Android devices.

It eliminates the need to adjust volume settings separately on both devices, creating a more seamless and consistent audio experience.

Benefits of Disabling Absolute Bluetooth Volume on Android

Certainly! Here are the benefits of disabling Absolute Bluetooth Volume on Android explained in detail:

1. Fine-tuning volume levels

Disabling Absolute Bluetooth Volume allows for independent control of the volume on your Android device and the connected Bluetooth device.

This gives you the flexibility to fine-tune the volume levels separately for each device, catering to your specific audio preferences. For example, you might prefer higher volume on your Android device while keeping the Bluetooth device at a lower volume to balance the audio output.

2. Compatibility with older Bluetooth devices

Some older Bluetooth devices may not fully support the Absolute Bluetooth Volume feature introduced in newer Android versions.

If you encounter compatibility issues, disabling this feature ensures that volume adjustments are made exclusively on the Android device. By doing so, you can ensure smooth and consistent volume control without relying on the Bluetooth device’s capabilities.

3. Avoiding sudden volume changes

Enabling Absolute Bluetooth Volume can result in sudden volume changes, particularly when there is a significant difference in maximum volume levels between your Android device and the connected Bluetooth device.

Adjusting the volume on your Android device could unexpectedly increase or decrease the volume on the Bluetooth device. Disabling Absolute Bluetooth Volume prevents these abrupt volume shifts, providing a more controlled and predictable audio experience.

4. Preserving separate volume settings

When you disable Absolute Bluetooth Volume, you can maintain separate volume settings for different Bluetooth devices.

This is particularly useful if you frequently connect to multiple Bluetooth devices, such as speakers, headphones, or car audio systems. Each device can have its own saved volume preference, allowing you to quickly and easily switch between them without needing to readjust the volume every time.

5. Custom audio configurations

Disabling Absolute Bluetooth Volume provides more flexibility in customizing your audio setup. It allows you to create unique audio configurations based on your personal preferences or specific audio hardware requirements.

For example, you might have a specific audio system with its own volume control mechanism that you prefer to use independently from your Android device’s volume controls. Disabling Absolute Bluetooth Volume lets you maintain the desired audio configuration.

Remember that the benefits of disabling Absolute Bluetooth Volume may vary depending on your individual needs and specific usage scenarios.

It’s recommended to experiment with both enabled and disabled settings to determine which option provides the best audio experience for your particular setup and preferences.

Is Your Android Device Compatible?

1. Android Version

Ensure that your Android device is running on a compatible version. Absolute Bluetooth Volume was introduced in Android 6.0 Marshmallow and is available in subsequent versions, including Android 7.0 Nougat, Android 8.0 Oreo, Android 9 Pie, Android 10, and newer versions.

You can check your Android version by going to Settings > About Phone > Software Information.

2. Bluetooth AVRCP Version

Verify that your Bluetooth device supports the necessary Bluetooth AVRCP (Audio/Video Remote Control Profile) version. Absolute Bluetooth Volume requires Bluetooth AVRCP version 1.3 or higher.

Most modern Bluetooth devices, such as headphones, speakers, and car audio systems, are likely to support this version. However, some older or less feature-rich Bluetooth devices might have limited AVRCP support.

3. Firmware Updates

Ensure that both your Android device and Bluetooth device have the latest firmware updates installed. Manufacturers often release firmware updates to improve compatibility and add new features.

Check the manufacturer’s website or the device’s settings menu for available firmware updates and apply them if necessary.

4. Feature Availability

Although Absolute Bluetooth Volume is a standard feature in Android, some device manufacturers may choose to modify or disable it in their customized Android versions.

If you have a device with a custom user interface (UI) or manufacturer-specific Android version, check the settings or audio options to see if Absolute Bluetooth Volume is available.

Look for related options, such as “Separate volume levels” or “Bluetooth audio control” in the sound or Bluetooth settings.

By following these steps, you can determine the compatibility of your Android device with the Absolute Bluetooth Volume feature. It’s important to note that while most modern Android devices and Bluetooth devices support this feature, there may be exceptions based on device-specific factors.

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How to Disable Absolute Bluetooth Volume

To disable Absolute Bluetooth Volume on your Android device, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android device. You can usually find it in the app drawer or by swiping down from the top of the screen and tapping the gear-shaped icon.
  2. Scroll down and select “Connected devices” or “Bluetooth” from the list of available settings.
  3. Locate the Bluetooth device for which you want to disable Absolute Bluetooth Volume and tap on its name to access its settings.
  4. Look for an option related to “Volume” or “Volume sync” within the Bluetooth device settings. The exact wording may vary depending on your Android device and its software version.
  5. Once you find the volume-related option, disable it or toggle it off. This action will vary depending on the interface of your Android device. It might be a switch, checkbox, or an option that you need to untick.
  6. Repeat these steps for any other Bluetooth devices for which you want to disable Absolute Bluetooth Volume.

Disabling Absolute Bluetooth Volume will now allow you to adjust the volume independently on your Android device and the connected Bluetooth devices.

Please note that the steps provided above are general instructions and may vary slightly depending on your Android device’s manufacturer, Android version, and user interface customization.

Alternative Methods to Control Bluetooth Volume on Android

1. Device Volume Controls

Instead of relying on Absolute Bluetooth Volume, you can use the volume controls on your Android device to adjust the audio output.

When connected to a Bluetooth device, adjusting the volume on your Android device will typically simultaneously adjust the volume on the connected Bluetooth device.

This allows you to have synchronized volume control without relying on the Absolute Bluetooth Volume feature.

2. Bluetooth Device Controls

Many Bluetooth devices, such as speakers, headphones, or car audio systems, have their own volume controls. These controls are usually located on the device itself, either as physical buttons or touch-sensitive areas.

By using the volume controls on the Bluetooth device, you can directly adjust the audio output without relying on the Android device’s volume controls.

3. Bluetooth Device App

Some Bluetooth devices come with companion apps that offer additional control and customization options, including volume control.

Check if the Bluetooth device you’re using has a dedicated app available in the Google Play Store. These apps may provide more advanced volume control settings, EQ adjustments, and other audio-related features specific to the device.

4. Third-Party Volume Control Apps

There are several third-party apps available on the Google Play Store that offer enhanced volume control options for Bluetooth devices.

These apps often provide additional features like per-app volume settings, volume boost, equalizer adjustments, and more.

Some popular options include “Volume Control” by TMK apps and “Precise Volume” by Phascinate. However, note that the effectiveness of these apps may vary depending on the specific Bluetooth device and Android device compatibility.

5. Custom ROMs and Modifications

For advanced users who have rooted their Android devices or installed custom ROMs, there may be additional options available for controlling Bluetooth volume.

Certain custom ROMs or modifications offer more granular control over audio settings, including Bluetooth volume control.

These options can vary depending on the specific ROM or modification installed, so it’s essential to research and follow instructions specific to your device and ROM.

It’s important to note that the availability and effectiveness of these alternative methods may vary depending on your specific Android device, Bluetooth device, and the software version you’re running. It’s recommended to try different methods and determine which one works best for your setup and preferences.

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Troubleshooting Bluetooth Volume Issues on Android

1. Check Bluetooth Connection

First, ensure that your Android device is properly connected to the Bluetooth device. Open the Bluetooth settings menu on your Android device and check if the Bluetooth device is listed as “Connected” or “Paired.” If not, tap on the device name and select “Connect” or “Pair” to establish the connection.

2. Adjust Device Volume

Make sure that both your Android device and the connected Bluetooth device have their volume levels set appropriately. Increase the volume on both devices to ensure that the audio output is not too low. Adjust the volume using the physical buttons or the volume sliders in the system settings.

3. Restart Devices

Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve temporary glitches. Try restarting both your Android device and the Bluetooth device. Turn off both devices, wait for a few seconds, and then turn them back on. Once they are powered on, reconnect the Bluetooth device and check if the volume issue is resolved.

4. Forget and Re-pair the Bluetooth Device

If the volume issue persists, “forget” the Bluetooth device from your Android device’s Bluetooth settings menu. Tap on the device name and select “Forget” or “Unpair.” Then, go through the pairing process again to establish a fresh connection. This can help resolve any connection-related issues that may be affecting the volume control.

5. Update Firmware and Apps

Ensure that both your Android device and the Bluetooth device have the latest firmware updates installed. Check the manufacturer’s website or the device’s settings menu for available firmware updates and install them if necessary. Additionally, check for updates for any relevant apps, such as the Bluetooth device companion app or system updates for your Android device. Updating the software can fix compatibility issues and improve performance.

6. Disable Battery Optimization

Some Android devices have aggressive battery optimization settings that may interfere with Bluetooth connections and volume control. To disable battery optimization for Bluetooth-related apps, go to Settings > Battery > Battery Optimization. Select “All Apps” from the drop-down menu and find any relevant Bluetooth or audio apps. Disable battery optimization for those apps to prevent them from being restricted in the background.

7. Reset Network Settings

Resetting the network settings on your Android device can help resolve network-related issues that may be affecting the Bluetooth connection. Go to Settings > System > Reset > Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth, and confirm the reset. Keep in mind that this will also reset your Wi-Fi and mobile network settings, so you’ll need to reconnect to Wi-Fi networks afterward.

8. Try Different Audio Source

Test the Bluetooth connection and volume control with different audio sources, such as music, videos, or phone calls. This can help determine if the issue is specific to a particular app or media source. If the volume problem only occurs with certain apps, try reinstalling or updating those apps to see if it resolves the issue.

9. Factory Reset (Last Resort)

If none of the above steps resolve the volume issue, you can consider performing a factory reset as a last resort. Before doing this, make sure to back up your important data as a factory reset will erase all data on your device. Go to Settings > System > Reset > Factory data reset, and follow the instructions provided.

If the volume issue persists even after trying these troubleshooting steps, it may be worth contacting the manufacturer’s support or seeking assistance from a technical professional for further guidance.


By following this guide, you have gained the knowledge and tools to take control of Bluetooth volume on your Android device.

Whether you choose to disable Absolute Bluetooth Volume or explore alternative methods, you can now customize your audio experience according to your preferences.

Troubleshooting tips, best practices, and insights into Bluetooth audio codecs have equipped you with the necessary information to enhance your sound quality and enjoy seamless Bluetooth connectivity.

Embrace the freedom to fine-tune your audio settings and make the most out of your Android device’s Bluetooth capabilities.

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