
How To Make Money from Pinterest in 2022

Pinterest is a great place to drive traffic to your website, but you don’t necessarily have to have a website how to make money from Pinterest in 2022.

The first and foremost thing you need to know about Pinterest is that Pinterest is not just a social media platform, it is also a search engine.

Like most search engines, this gives us an opportunity to make money with Pinterest because people who are more likely to spend money are looking for something on the platform.

There are currently around 400 million people using Pinterest every month, and more than half of them are actively using the platform.

Also, more than two-thirds of Pinterest’s user base is female.

More than 2 billion searches are made on Pinterest every month. What’s more, 600 million monthly searches on Pinterest are for images.

Most people don’t know that every image posted there has a link to a particular website and it’s possible to make money on Pinterest.

Now the next question we come up with is how to monetize Pinterest in 2022?

How To Make Money from Pinterest in 2022

1. Make money on Pinterest with affiliate marketing

Is it possible to make money on Pinterest without a blog or website?

Yes, it’s definitely possible.

I know not everyone wants to start a blog to make money from Pinterest, so let me try to explain right away.

If you don’t have or don’t want to open a blog or website, you need to use an affiliate strategy to make money on Pinterest.

So, what is affiliate marketing?

It can simply be expressed as giving advice to someone who needs a product.

You earn a commission when that person buys a product through your affiliate link.

The amount of money you can earn depends on the type of affiliate program you join to make money on Pinterest.

Some pay 10%, others may pay much higher, even 50%, depending on the affiliate program you join.

Most products for sale online have an affiliate program.

Are affiliate links allowed on Pinterest?

Going back to 2015, Pinterest banned affiliate links for spammy posts.

Many people who rely on affiliate marketing to monetize Pinterest were shocked by this decision.

But a year later, Pinterest figured out how to combat spam and lifted the ban.

So yes, Pinterest, affiliate links are allowed.

How to become an affiliate on Pinterest?

Making money with affiliate marketing on Pinterest consists of four basic steps.

Below I have listed all the steps you need to follow.

Step 1 – Set up your Pinterest profile

If you are not registered with a Pinterest business account, you can start from the link below.

Once inside, you’ll need to enter your name, bio, description, and an image for your Pinterest profile.

Let me tell you that success on Pinterest depends on the niche you choose.

Therefore, always choose a popular niche to start with.

Below is a list of popular niches.

  • lose weight (lose weight)
  • Trip
  • handcrafted
  • Beauty (Makeup)
  • Recipes
  • Fitness
  • Home decoration
  • Moda

Whatever niche you choose, fill your profile completely by niche.

Step 2 – Find affiliate programs that fit your niche

Finding affiliate programs that suit your niche is not a difficult task.

All you have to do is do a Google search.

“Niche” + affiliate programs

For example, “travel” affiliate programs

Some affiliate programs may require you to have a website, but many accept social media accounts like Pinterest.

It is good to know that you can join the above programs for FREE and choose products according to your own interests.

Step 3 – Designing pins on Pinterest

Once you’ve finished choosing the products to affiliate with, you’ll need to design Pins for your Pinterest account.

Canva is the simplest and most useful option for designing your own pins.

You can start designing Pins from scratch or use predefined templates for Pinterest.

Continuing, vertical pins outperform horizontal pins as they stand out easily.

Step 4 – Start pinning to your Pinterest boards

Let me give you an example.

For example, I chose a niche called “best makeup tips for beginners”.

I can pin it to the boards like this:

  • Make-up
  • best makeup tips
  • makeup for beginners

The entire fixing process is manual and can be quite time consuming.

If you want to save time, you can use a scheduling tool like TailWind.

It’s a Pinterest-approved scheduler that lets you automatically upload and manage Pins.

You can schedule pins a year, a month, or a week in advance and pin them on an automated basis without any manual input.

Considerations when affiliate marketing on Pinterest

Remember that Pinterest is a very strict platform and all users must follow the rules to earn money.

Below are a few key points to keep in mind when affiliate marketing on Pinterest.

1. Disclosure
of affiliate links You must disclose every affiliate link you post on Pinterest.

You can do this by typing ”#affiliate” at the end of the pin description.

2. Don’t use URL shorteners
It’s a fact that affiliate links look pretty bad with long URLs and tracking numbers.

Many people prefer to shorten them using URL shorteners, but Pinterest does not allow you to shorten affiliate links. So keep that in mind.

3. Keep the balance
Don’t overdo things like commenting, sharing, reposting.

Anything above the medium level could result in your account being banned and you could lose any effort you put in.

4. Create multiple pins
Pinterest is a visual platform and naturally focuses on the appearance of pins.

In addition, Pinterest recently announced that it is highlighting new pins instead of old pins.

This means you need to design pins regularly (perhaps 1-2 every day) to get a decent amount of views.

2. Make money as a Pinterest virtual assistant

You don’t need to take a course to make money as a Pinterest virtual assistant.

Pinterest virtual assistants are in high demand and this is one of the most efficient ways to make money on Pinterest.

What will you do? As a Pinterest virtual assistant, you will help business owners optimize their Pinterest accounts.

This means you will create pins for your customers’ Pinterest accounts, which will drive traffic to their website or sales page.

The following tasks are performed by you as a Pinterest virtual assistant:

  • Create a pin
  • Schedule and post Pins
  • Automate the fixing process
  • Using the Pinterest ad manager
  • Doing keyword research
  • AND of course increase traffic or sales

The benefit of working as a virtual assistant is that it is insanely flexible. The choice of time and place is entirely in your hands.

How much will you earn; beginners can make around $10-$15 an hour, while experts can make $75-$80 an hour.

The amount of money you earn depends on several factors; experience, skills, education, etc.

What do Pinterest virtual assistants do?

In this section, we’ll go over the tasks that Pinterest virtual assistants have to deal with in detail.

First off, if you work with Pinterest, you need to be extremely patient and the final results will be rewarding.

Virtual assistant is not a new term.

It has been around since the 90s when the internet started to rise.

You provide virtual assistant services to other businesses for Pinterest.

Here is the basic list of services you will offer as a virtual assistant:

Graphic design

Before posting anything on Pinterest, you need to create great graphics. To create graphics, you should at least master Canva and know the tips for optimizing images.

keyword research

Every post you post should have a title and a short description that states what the pin is about. You can optimize the title and description using the best performing keywords.

Pinterest analytics

Pinterest analytics are really helpful as they give you an idea of ​​how your account is performing and what can be done to improve results.

scheduling broadcasts

Although virtual assistants can publish content manually, if you want to schedule pins, you can do so using Tailwind. This software helps you plan pins.

Pinterest ads

Pinterest ads are what catches the visitor’s attention the most. They’re also inexpensive and tend to live on Pinterest forever once the promotion ends.

Remember, Pinterest takes time to show results. So wait. Success will come and it will definitely stay with you.

3. Make money by offering Pinterest consulting services

If you’re good at persuading and teaching, start offering consulting services to companies that use Pinterest.

Pinterest consulting is a good choice for making money online, but it can also enable you to start a full-time business.

If you have a website that shows you specialize in consulting services, it adds a star to your shoulder and creates a professional reputation.

Pinterest consulting services include in-depth analysis of your customers’ Pinterest profiles and analytics of their websites.

You will then gather and work on all the recommendations to help your customers achieve their goals.

Recently, Pinterest consulting has been in great demand and is a great way to hone your social media skills.

After gaining sufficient experience in consulting, the next step you can take is to share your Pinterest information with others.

You can open your own courses, eBooks, and online coaching classes to monetize your Pinterest knowledge.

4. Make money from Pinterest with a blog

In this strategy, you need to have a blog or website to make money with Pinterest.

There are many options for starting a blog, especially if you are looking to make money from blogging and Pinterest at the same time.

Once you’ve launched a blog site, you can use Pinterest to drive traffic to it. Likewise, other social media platforms are another strategy that bloggers can use to increase their readership.

Write engaging and informative content

Content is king of the blogging world.

The key to a great blog relies on a few things; Your blog content should be informative and people should enjoy reading it.

When it comes to making money on Pinterest with a blog, you need to write something people are searching for on Pinterest.

When it comes to Pinterest, people look for topics that will benefit or help them.

Choose a niche you love to write in. You have to add some personal touch to it and take the subject in depth.

Your ultimate goal should be to start a blog, make money on Pinterest, and always focus on creating more value rather than more volume.

Create your account on Pinterest

What are you waiting for? Sign up for Pinterest today.

One of the main reasons more and more people are turning to Pinterest is because you don’t need to have a large follower base to drive traffic.

This is why the number of bloggers who use Pinterest to make money online is increasing day by day.

Make sure you have a business account

Per Pinterest’s rules, if you want to affiliate and drive traffic to a website, you must have a business account.

You can have it very easily. You can also convert your existing personal account to a business account.

Pinterest’s business account has many advantages such as:

  • You can add the name of the company to your profile instead of your name. This will make your account look more professional.
  • You will have access to lots of marketing content. This increases your sales and the appearance of your account.
  • After your website is verified, a checkmark will appear next to your display name. This indicates that your account is verified and legitimate.
  • You can organize multiple contests for your followers. This will help you in two ways; increased traffic and brand awareness.
  • Access analytics data to help you evaluate your Pinterest strategy.

Use keywords in profile, board descriptions and pins

This suggestion sounds simple, but you’ll be surprised to know that many brands fail because they don’t use keywords in their profiles, board descriptions, and pins.

While Pinterest is a visual search engine, keywords are its building blocks.

Therefore, by using the right keywords, you can easily increase the number of people you reach.

At the same time, it is advisable not to be too general when using keywords.

Consider accompanying your generic keyword with descriptive details.

When adding to a profile, make sure the keywords used make sense to the reader.

Keywords are not limited to profiles or pins; They also extend to the boards.

Use top-performing keywords in your board name, descriptions, and categories as well.

Try using keywords as hashtags as well. When writing pin descriptions, optimize them with keywords, this will help improve the SEO ranking of the pins.

Finally, add a persuasive and call-to-action message.

Fasten consistently and regularly

Pinterest favors people who are both regular and consistent.

It is recommended to drive at least 20-30 nails per day.

This may seem like a cumbersome process, but it is quite manageable.

Pinning helps you consistently in two ways: it helps your pins get discovered while increasing your follower count.

Now, that doesn’t mean you have to fix everything in one go. Try to distribute it throughout the day.

This will make your pins visible to people both locally and around the world.

At the same time, you should do 20 pins a day throughout the week.

It’s important to determine the best time to pin pins.

By using Pinterest analytics, you can determine at what time of the day you get maximum efficiency from your pins.

You can maximize performance by fixing it at the best time of day.

Use pinterest to drive traffic to your blog

Once you’ve mastered the following steps, you’re now ready to make money with Pinterest:

  • open a blog site
  • Write 5-10 inspiring blog articles about your niche
  • Create a Pinterest business account
  • Using effective keywords in profile, pin description and boards
  • Doing the fastening task consistently

Now, follow the next three steps to make money using Pinterest:

Drive traffic to your blog

Pinterest traffic is a new blogger’s best friend.

Give your efforts to Pinterest as you are a newbie to the blogging world.

It is one of the fastest and easiest ways to drive traffic to your new blog site.

If used correctly and consistently, you will definitely see an increase in traffic.

Earn money with display advertising

When you see increased Pinterest traffic to your blog, you can make money with display advertising.

By showing ads, you can earn a passive income from the internet.

Over time, you will definitely see a huge increase in ad earnings.

Make money on pinterest with affiliate marketing

Many companies look for affiliates who can promote their products and services for a commission.

Affiliate affiliate marketing is a great way to make money on Pinterest, but it’s often misapplied.

I have already explained above what you need to know about Pinterest-based affiliate marketing.

Here, Pinterest will be used to drive focused traffic to your website, and you will make affiliate marketing through your website.

Affiliate marketing is considered great if you are interested in making money with Pinterest.

Affiliate revenue makes up a large portion of blog revenue.

5. Make money on Pinterest by selling your own products

Pinterest is a huge sales channel where you have the option to sell your own products and drive traffic to your e-commerce site.

If you have an e-commerce site, the answer to the question of how to make money with Pinterest is very simple? You will not monetize directly on Pinterest; however, you will benefit from Pinterest’s powerful search engine.

You can create pins showcasing your products such as digital goods, physical goods or services and link them directly to your eCommerce store.

The following points will tell you why Pinterest is an essential tool for your ecommerce store:

  • 90% of users think Pinterest helps them make purchasing decisions.
  • 79% of users say content on Pinterest is very informative.
  • 67% of users only buy the product after seeing it on Pinterest.
  • Pinterest tends to drive 34% more traffic for shopping than other sites.

So, if you are an online store owner and want to promote on social media platforms, Pinterest is one of them. Create pins to promote new products, create different boards for different styles or themes, do keyword research, etc.

Pinterest paid ads are best suited for e-commerce promotion.

Paid ads look like a regular pin but are actually an ad.

You can optimize your promoted pins to reach the target audience.

You also have the option to place ads in browsing mode or search mode.

In search mode, you need to select the keywords that the user will use to see your ads.

This is a very important step as your ads will be shown especially in front of people searching for your product. If it’s a tempting offer, they’ll definitely “Like” it.

Essential tips for making money on Pinterest in 2022

  • Create eye-catching pins – Pinterest is a visual tool and your images should stand out from the rest of the world. Fortunately, it’s easier to create high-quality images for pins these days.
  • Define your Pins – Just like Google, Pinterest is a search engine. Use keywords in the description of Pins. Don’t forget to include hashtags as well, as they play a vital role in search.
  • Get in touch with other users – Pinterest is not only a search engine but also a social media platform. The best general practice to follow on Pinterest is to interact with other users.
  • Business account required – As mentioned in the first step above, having a business account on Pinterest is essential. It helps you make money, offer consulting services, affiliate marketing, and analytics data gives you an idea.
  • Plan Pins with Tailwind – Tailwind is a marketing app built specifically for Pinterest. It helps plan pins, do analysis, and its main function is to help you create a pinning program.
  • Create a press kit – Having a press kit in your account lets other businesses know what services you offer for them. It tells potential partners basic information and statistics about your business, blog, and Pinterest account.
  • Be transparent about partnerships – If you’re an affiliate or working as a virtual assistant, you should let your audience know. Make sure to use the #affiliate tag in every pin you send for affiliate marketing purposes.
  • Follow Pinterest’s guidelines – Respect the platform and follow those guidelines when trying to monetize Pinterest. Doing so will save you from getting into trouble or prevent your account from being blocked.
  • Follow the changes on the platform – Pinterest has made many changes since 2010. These changes can affect the way you make money in many ways. Read emails sent by them.

Conclusion on how to make money on Pinterest in 2022

You can follow the detailed steps mentioned above to earn money from Pinterest.

To be honest, Pinterest is a one-of-a-kind platform that is both a search engine and a visual platform. It offers entrepreneurs many different opportunities to make money.

Today, diversifying your income is the best way to sustain your life.

The platform already has a very wide reach and will continue to explode in digital marketing.

It currently has 400 million users and will undoubtedly continue to reign among the top social media platforms for years to come.

There will be no end to the opportunities either; they will continue to grow. You are the one who should take the first step. Making money on Pinterest is inevitable if you work with dedication and care.

To date, more than 200 billion pins have been saved on Pinterest, making it the best platform for higher ROI. But what is the investment here? The investment here is time, energy, creativity, content creation and keyword research.

Make time for Pinterest. Create, schedule, pin and create a new dashboard, pin to multiple boards at once, work as a virtual assistant, affiliate and start monetizing Pinterest.

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